Julia Van Der Sluys
Julia is your direct link to the Angelic Realm and all the wonders of the universe.
Bringing messages in an easy to digest manner and showering you with the energy of the Angels.
Julia will be your guiding light through the fears and woes of human life and back into contact with your soul and the Universe.
Reminding you that if you embrace all of you, you can experience Heaven on Earth.
Julia uses her own experience through a severe anxiety disorder to help you realize that by embracing your fears and using them as another tool in your toolbox – you do not need to be consumed or afraid of them anymore.
It is all about rejoicing in the hardships, to make way for some epic living.
Julia is the author of Angelical Wisdoms – A pocket-sized hardcover book that brings 80+ easy to digest messages straight from the Angels and into your life. This book is for anyone who needs a bit of positivity in their life.
Her next book Animal Wisdoms is due out any day now and brings to life messages from the Animal Realm in the same format as Angelical Wisdoms.
Julia has created Angel infused products from postcards, cuffs and the like to bring in even more of their sacred energy into your life to help keep you high vibe and remind you of the light if the world goes a little dark at times. She also does amazing Healing Voices – that brings the sounds of the Angels directly to you in a powerful healing audio.
Julia is a furbaby mama to three pooches and one who definitely guides and looks after her up in doggy heaven. She might also be a bit of a chocoholic.
Julia’s motto – You are amazing exactly as you are, right here, right now!