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I am a f**king incredible Mumma, and I always have been
“I am a f**king incredible Mumma, and I always have been.” There never used to be a doubt in my mind of that. The thought that I was any...

F**k my power. I don’t want it anymore.
Courageous. Strong. Powerful. Brave. These are all words that are not sitting very well with me at all right now. They’re terms that are...

Beyond Suffering
If I am not mistaken, lots of people seem to enjoy suffering, and I am certainly not excluding myself from this equation. I remember...

Living Someone Else's Dream
I am from the Middle East, from a very big family who have roots in Jordan, Palestine, Egypt. As a female from a big family, I was raised...

Trusting your Intuition
Our intuition is our guidance system. It comes in the form of thoughts, feelings and a deep sense of knowing. Our intuition can be...

Moving through Internal Chaos – Part 2
If you missed Part One, you can read it here I have learned through the negative situations I have been through. For me it reaches a...

You have a Choice
I believe that life is all about choices, and it’s as simple as that. Of course, we all have painful moments that occur throughout our...

From Focus to Forever
I closed my eyes and focused into the unseen distance, the outside light barely penetrating my eyelids making them appear almost...

What If
My mind wanders aimlessly back through the distant haze of long buried memories, catching brief glimpses of what seems a lifetime ago and...

Authentic Manifestation
There is a lot written and spoken about in regards to manifestation and our thoughts creating our reality. The general concept is when we...

Silent Abuse: what no one talks about
Seriously, let’s talk about this. While everyone is mortified and in an uproar when we hear about a domestic violence situation where a...

Changing Your Life Story
Our individual story in life is made up of various energy vibrations and experiences. We come into this world with our own energy;...

A weekend with my ancestors
I’m going to be honest here and tell you all one of the lessons that I’m still trying to learn. And, I’m well aware that even though I...

Going Within
Over this last month I have undertaken a period of going within, evaluating what was working and what wasn’t. I went within and looked at...

Authentic Being
Authentic Being is having the courage to be true to yourself, following your heart and your dreams. It takes confidence and trust to...
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