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Present Moment Awareness
Can you believe, another year has gone by? The years come and go, and every year seems to go quicker than before. This year I have been...

5 things to do before the end of the year (Part Five and the final exercise)
How awesome is this? Here we are at the final exercise, and just over a week away from Christmas. Go you! You are going to have so much...

A well overdue gift for YOU
“Do something for myself?” you ask... Yes, I’m serious. I bet that for many of you, I can probably come close to reading your mind right...

Writing my way out of depression & anxiety
Anybody who has ever suffered a period of depression, anxiety or both together can, I’m sure appreciate what a difficult, dark and...

5 things to do before the end of the year (Part Four) #bettermeproject
Wow, we’re almost there! This is the second last exercise and I bet by now, you’ve got much more clarity than you’ve had in a long while...

Procrastination! Transforming into Positive Action
As I sit here with Spirit this afternoon, I am drawn to share some insights with you around one of the most common self-sabotage patterns...

Embracing Change
Our nature as human beings is that we love routine and predictability. Whether we like to admit it or not, we are creatures of habit. In...

An unexpected blessing
Isn’t it miraculous? How someone can appear in your life, as if out of nowhere, and create such a massive shift, that you find yourself...

Supporting and Empowering Empath Children
Over the weekend, founder and director of White Light, Christie, presented a talk in the Speakers Lounge at the Mind Body Spirit Festival...

5 things to do before the end of the year (Part Three) #bettermeproject
It’s likely you’ve now got a fairly good idea about any changes you need to make in your life by now, and if you’ve already begun making...

Children's innate ability to comprehend (we don't give them nearly enough credit!)
My eldest child continues to amaze me with the profound concepts and knowledge he seems to have about life, despite only being six years...

My insight into turning 50
I have to say, I have not been afraid of turning 50. Whilst I know this may sound ancient to such young ones, I have to admit, this is...

You’re not always meant to be the peacekeeper
This is something I wrote for myself - a message to my higher self, if you will. After writing it, I felt compelled to share with you...

Energies, Vibrations, the Physical & the Psyche
I've been in a tail-spin in recent days, having gone from one extreme to another in a matter of days. The encounters individually could...

Reflective Gratitude
Gratitude is a practice I personally utilise every day as an opportunity to reflect and give thanks to the Universe/God (or higher power...
Resources Vault
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