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I am a f**king incredible Mumma, and I always have been
“I am a f**king incredible Mumma, and I always have been.” There never used to be a doubt in my mind of that. The thought that I was any...

F**k my power. I don’t want it anymore.
Courageous. Strong. Powerful. Brave. These are all words that are not sitting very well with me at all right now. They’re terms that are...

Supporting and Empowering Empath Children
Over the weekend, founder and director of White Light, Christie, presented a talk in the Speakers Lounge at the Mind Body Spirit Festival...

Children's innate ability to comprehend (we don't give them nearly enough credit!)
My eldest child continues to amaze me with the profound concepts and knowledge he seems to have about life, despite only being six years...

You’re not always meant to be the peacekeeper
This is something I wrote for myself - a message to my higher self, if you will. After writing it, I felt compelled to share with you...

No room for Comparison
Enough is enough. I've decided to make a promise to myself. A promise that I should have made long ago, and one that every person would...

Make me a promise, son
My eldest son is twelve years old and he in his first year of high school this year. While his childhood has been predominantly happy and...

I wanna hold your hand
My almost two year old son Nate has quite a few 'rituals' and one of them is holding my hand when he's tired. This has proven to be a bit...

How many jobs do I really have? - A day in the life of a stay at home Mum who works from home
How many jobs do I have? Hmm...let's see. My paid work that I do from home is that I run not one, but two businesses. A spiritual...

My family are my teachers
My family are my teachers. After almost two weeks away from my husband and children, I am itching to get back to them and give them all a...

I'm a Mum. Does that mean I can't have a holiday?
In a couple of days time, I am leaving for an overseas holiday with my Mum and I'll be gone for two weeks. Nothing out of the ordinary...
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