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Embracing Change
Our nature as human beings is that we love routine and predictability. Whether we like to admit it or not, we are creatures of habit. In...

Supporting and Empowering Empath Children
Over the weekend, founder and director of White Light, Christie, presented a talk in the Speakers Lounge at the Mind Body Spirit Festival...

Cutting cords, healing, releasing & clearing
(Forewarning: This is a doozy - it might take a few goes to read it but it's all important and relevant whenever you do set eyes on the...

Children's innate ability to comprehend (we don't give them nearly enough credit!)
My eldest child continues to amaze me with the profound concepts and knowledge he seems to have about life, despite only being six years...

You’re not always meant to be the peacekeeper
This is something I wrote for myself - a message to my higher self, if you will. After writing it, I felt compelled to share with you...

Energies, Vibrations, the Physical & the Psyche
I've been in a tail-spin in recent days, having gone from one extreme to another in a matter of days. The encounters individually could...

How to cope with negative and toxic people
I’m not a psychologist or a psychiatrist, but from my own experiences as a psychic reader and blogger, I can tell you that we have all...

Reflective Gratitude
Gratitude is a practice I personally utilise every day as an opportunity to reflect and give thanks to the Universe/God (or higher power...

The Ebb and Flow
Whilst contemplating how I might describe myself, and what it is that I "do" one morning, I pondered some ideas of what I might say to...

Have you been giving your all?
By giving your ALL, what I mean is ‘Acts (of) Loving Light’. When was the last time you showed your own integrity to the world? What are...

Manifest your Reality
I am a mother of two but I am also a woman, a daughter and a friend-… I love my life, my family and my friends, but I do strive to create...

Love, compassion and choices
Namaste. I have written this purely based on my own thoughts and feelings, views and beliefs. I am on my own spiritual journey after...

Connecting with Spirit: It's all about trust
Everyone has the ability to connect with Spirit- everyone. We all come from the same place, so why wouldn't we all be able to?...

Why Me?
This is such a commonly heard question, isn't it? "Why me?" I bet you've heard it from many people, and have likely even asked it...

This is a blog post primarily for my friends and family, or for anyone I'm connected to that doesn't really know what I do for work. But,...
Resources Vault
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