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Know your Worth
Do you really know your worth? And if so, how much do you value it? Do you set down boundaries with people and make sure they respect...

Tides of Change
How are you with change? Do you fight it with everything you’ve got, happy to sit in your comfort zone or do you grab hold of every new...

Not everyone will understand, but that’s okay
Not everyone will understand, but that’s okay. There are choices you’ll make in life that may not be popular or well received. There...

Life & Death - The Processors of Transition
Our physical body is our vehicle to life and living on this planet. Yes, you may have heard these words a million times, but it is a...

Winds of Change
Right now, there are many of us are wanting change in our lives. Some of us don’t know exactly what the change is that we are wanting to...

Trust that you are where you are meant to be right now. Trust that all is well. Even if it feels like you are not where you want to be or...

St. Patrick's Day: not just for the Irish!
St. Patrick's Day (also known as the Feast of Saint Patrick's Day) is both a cultural and religious celebration annually held on the 17th...

Liberating your 'Self'
Don’t stand out. Blend in. Don’t draw attention to yourself. Don’t make a fuss. Children should be seen and not heard. Don’t talk unless...

Embracing Self Love
Self-love is loving yourself unconditionally. It is about having a high regard for yourself and your personal well-being. Loving yourself...

Want an answer? Just keep it simple.
I’m starting to understand more and more lately, the importance of keeping it simple. I don’t just mean the usual stuff we talk about...

The Power of Peace
Peace. It’s more than just the “Peace on Earth” greeting cards that fill certain holiday seasons with gauzy images of doves and...

To achieve your dreams and goals, you need to put some drive and energy behind your dreams and ambitions. Sitting back and waiting, isn’t...

FYI: The New Year Fairy doesn’t exist (but you do)
As always, all of what I’m about to say is said with the utmost of love, respect and honesty. You may not like some of it, however if you...

Present Moment Awareness
Can you believe, another year has gone by? The years come and go, and every year seems to go quicker than before. This year I have been...

5 things to do before the end of the year (Part Five and the final exercise)
How awesome is this? Here we are at the final exercise, and just over a week away from Christmas. Go you! You are going to have so much...
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