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Moving through Internal Chaos – Part 2
If you missed Part One, you can read it here I have learned through the negative situations I have been through. For me it reaches a...

Tides of Change
How are you with change? Do you fight it with everything you’ve got, happy to sit in your comfort zone or do you grab hold of every new...

Life & Death - The Processors of Transition
Our physical body is our vehicle to life and living on this planet. Yes, you may have heard these words a million times, but it is a...

Winds of Change
Right now, there are many of us are wanting change in our lives. Some of us don’t know exactly what the change is that we are wanting to...

FYI: The New Year Fairy doesn’t exist (but you do)
As always, all of what I’m about to say is said with the utmost of love, respect and honesty. You may not like some of it, however if you...

Embracing Change
Our nature as human beings is that we love routine and predictability. Whether we like to admit it or not, we are creatures of habit. In...

The Wheel
So here you are again The wheel has fully turned Now it's time to make a choice About what you have learned Do you let it go another...

I've Changed
I've changed. This is what I've been told, and that's okay, because I agree. I have. I'm stronger, I'm awake, and now I can clearly see...
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