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Don't Wait for Launch Day! Start Marketing Your Book NOW
Stop waiting for launch day! Start marketing your book before it's finished. Even at the idea stage, you can build an audience.

You have a Choice
I believe that life is all about choices, and it’s as simple as that. Of course, we all have painful moments that occur throughout our...

Changing Your Life Story
Our individual story in life is made up of various energy vibrations and experiences. We come into this world with our own energy;...

Authentic Being
Authentic Being is having the courage to be true to yourself, following your heart and your dreams. It takes confidence and trust to...

Know your Worth
Do you really know your worth? And if so, how much do you value it? Do you set down boundaries with people and make sure they respect...

Tides of Change
How are you with change? Do you fight it with everything you’ve got, happy to sit in your comfort zone or do you grab hold of every new...

Not everyone will understand, but that’s okay
Not everyone will understand, but that’s okay. There are choices you’ll make in life that may not be popular or well received. There...

FYI: The New Year Fairy doesn’t exist (but you do)
As always, all of what I’m about to say is said with the utmost of love, respect and honesty. You may not like some of it, however if you...

5 things to do before the end of the year (Part Five and the final exercise)
How awesome is this? Here we are at the final exercise, and just over a week away from Christmas. Go you! You are going to have so much...

5 things to do before the end of the year (Part Four) #bettermeproject
Wow, we’re almost there! This is the second last exercise and I bet by now, you’ve got much more clarity than you’ve had in a long while...

Procrastination! Transforming into Positive Action
As I sit here with Spirit this afternoon, I am drawn to share some insights with you around one of the most common self-sabotage patterns...

5 things to do before the end of the year (Part Three) #bettermeproject
It’s likely you’ve now got a fairly good idea about any changes you need to make in your life by now, and if you’ve already begun making...

5 things to do before the end of the year (Part Two) #bettermeproject
First of all, if you’ve already completed the first exercise, go you! I’m so damn proud of you, because I know how very confronting it...

Why honesty is empowering
I've realised something the last few days, and that is just how very empowering honesty is. Being honest with others, and most...
Resources Vault
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