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I am a f**king incredible Mumma, and I always have been
“I am a f**king incredible Mumma, and I always have been.” There never used to be a doubt in my mind of that. The thought that I was any...

F**k my power. I don’t want it anymore.
Courageous. Strong. Powerful. Brave. These are all words that are not sitting very well with me at all right now. They’re terms that are...

Tides of Change
How are you with change? Do you fight it with everything you’ve got, happy to sit in your comfort zone or do you grab hold of every new...

Supporting and Empowering Empath Children
Over the weekend, founder and director of White Light, Christie, presented a talk in the Speakers Lounge at the Mind Body Spirit Festival...

No room for Comparison
Enough is enough. I've decided to make a promise to myself. A promise that I should have made long ago, and one that every person would...

My family are my teachers
My family are my teachers. After almost two weeks away from my husband and children, I am itching to get back to them and give them all a...
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