One night in Bangkok
Day one of our journey is all done and dusted! After a very comfortable flight from Melbourne to Bangkok, we arrived at Suvarnahbhumi airport just a little bit tired and ready to have the wave of intense heat hit us (even though we arrived at 8pm).

We flew business class on the almost nine hour flight, and it was such a nice surprise to be be seated right up the front near the cockpit, and to receive such pampering with a choice of menu and champagne upon boarding. It was the perfect start to our holiday as I was able to really relax! I even managed to fit in a couple of movies and some colouring in!

Arriving at our hotel, I was tired and missing my babies, but it was 3am back at home, so I thought it best not to even attempt to call! I don't think I quite prepared Mum for just how hot and smelly Bangkok really is, and after we checked in, we decided to go for a short walk up the street to see if the market was still open (it wasn't). There was however, an array of makeshift food stalls, which I think opened Mum's eyes to exactly why we are staying well away from that type of food!
It was interesting watching Mum's face as she watched motorbikes race past with riders with no helmets, and even toddlers riding with their parents too. I've been to Thailand before, and it didn't take me long to remember the god awful smell that seems to stick to your body as soon as you walk outside! Needless to say, we didn't stay out long, before heading back to our air conditioned hotel room.

So, it is now around 6.30am local time, and we are getting ready to head back to the airport to board our flight to Kathmandu! I can't say I'm going to miss Bangkok; even though the Thai people are just beautiful, and oh so kind, this part of our journey is really just a stopover, and when we return to Thailand and the end of our trip, it will be in Koh Samui, which is just a little bit nicer than here.
Bring on Nepal!