My family are my teachers
My family are my teachers.
After almost two weeks away from my husband and children, I am itching to get back to them and give them all a great big hug, and while I knew I would miss them like crazy, this time away has allowed me to really delve into my inner self, and put everything in my life into perspective.
All those little things; like being woken during the night because my daughter just wants to feel me close to her, or my eldest son talking my ear off when I'm trying to work, and even my husband having the TV so loud at night, he could very well wake up the neighbours three doors down. These are the things I miss the most; the small things, things that I have often taken for granted in the past.
I am extremely grateful for having had the opportunity to go on this incredible trip with my Mum, and I will surely miss being able to sleep all night uninterrupted, and being able to just sit and read or have a shower in peace, but while it's been a wonderful opportunity for me to recharge and have some 'me time', it has also reminded me just how much I love my life; in particular as a wife and mother.

I am so very blessed to have such a supportive husband, who has grown so much in the last twelve months, that I couldn't be prouder of him if I tried. We have had our fair share of challenges over the years, and now, we have genuinely fallen in love with one another all over again. Our relationship has reached a whole new level recently, and I don't know what I'd do without him. My husband is my best friend, and he has taught me the importance of patience and allowing life to flow naturally.
My children are so very different from one another, and yet, all share the same beautiful, deep emotional connection with me that I love so much. My (almost) teenage son is able to talk openly about his feelings, and has such a wonderfully kind heart, which I am so proud of him for. Even though he is my son, he is often my rock. He keeps me grounded, and reminds me to honour my feelings.
My toddler has already overcome some amazing feats since being born, and he is just so full of energy and raw emotion most of the time, that he just amazes me. He is my little warrior, and reminds me that I can overcome anything with courage and determination.

And my daughter; while she is not even yet a year old, is so full of pure love and joy, that she brings a smile to all of our faces, no matter what is going on. She is a mirror image of myself as a baby, and she reminds me to nurture my own inner child.
So, from now on, I am making a promise to myself, and to my family. I promise to embrace every single little moment, because every minute of every day, every challenge, every joyful moment, makes us who we are as a family, and I wouldn't have it any other way.