How does a psychic reading work?
I am asked on occasion, just how I get the information I do when providing a reading and how it all works.
When giving readings, I first ask Spirit to provide me with guidance on how I can best help the person I am reading for, and ask them to give me the answers to what you most need to know right now. These messages may come from my Spirit Guides or yours, or from loved ones on the Other Side. Alternatively, guidance may come through from other entities (eg Ascended Masters, Angels). In addition to intuited guidance, I may use just one, or a mixture of different cards, or I may not use cards at all. The majority of the guidance in a reading is provided intuitively and is channeled directly from Spirit.

Most of the messages I receive from Spirit come to me as words, names or images/visions (clairaudience and clairvoyance), and quite often through a 'knowing' (claircognizance). I also at times use automatic writing as a way of receiving direct communication from Spirit.
I am always more than happy to elaborate or explain things further should there be any information in a reading that isn't understood. I also welcome questions after someone receives a reading, because at times, something may come up that prompts questioning from my clients. I never charge people for this; it's all part of the service.
I do not sugarcoat information that comes to me in a reading (pretending that everything is just butterflies and rainbows) however I do make sure I am respectful and compassionate when passing on sensitive information. Quite often, if someone has requested a reading, it's because there is something challenging happening in their life at the time, and so more often than not, sensitivity and empathy is necessary.
Another thing I'll add, for those of you that decide to have a face to face reading, is that quite often I'll pick up on your energy while reading for you, or the energy of a loved one in spirit, and so if I start crying, that's why. Sometimes the emotional energy is quite overwhelming and I feel this energy quite strongly. It might be an overwhelming feeling of love from someone in spirit, or it may be the feeling of relief from being connected to a loved one. Whatever it is, know that this energy is shared with me to help me connect with you on such a deep level.
If you ever have any questions about how I provide readings, please feel free to ask me at any time.
❤️ Christie
White Light for the Soul