Seeing you Shine
Over the last few months I've had to pinch myself almost every day. Not only because my publishing business is growing at a very exciting rate, but as I experience firsthand, how beautiful it is to see each and every one of the authors I work with grow.
More often than not, when I first speak with these writers, the conversations we have are focused on helping them to acknowledge just how talented and beautiful a soul they truly are, and on overcoming the fear they have about putting themselves out there for the world to see. In most cases, I find myself in tears as we collaborate through their publishing journeys. I am truly inspired by each and every one of my clients - not only because of the work they've chosen to publish, but because of the personal experiences they have been through prior to reaching the point where they're ready to expose themselves to the world.

It truly is heartwarming to see this transition unfold before my eyes, and to say I'm blessed to be part of this journey with them is an understatement. I'm in a position where I am able to see so many gifted, compassionate souls move from a place of hesitation and uncertainty, to one of self confidence and empowerment. It's a beautiful thing.
Not only have I seen these authors heal and grow, but each and every client I've worked with are now part of a unique tribe of creative souls who support one another and encourage each other to shine. There is no competition; just love and unification.
I've said this time and time again, but I'll say it again. Becoming a published author is a journey in itself, and I am so fortunate to be able to help so many people have their dreams realised, while at the same time, seeing just how empowering and life changing it can be.
To all my authors: I just love seeing you shine, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to share this experience with you.
Love, Light & Blessings,