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Thank you for everything, 2016

Everywhere on social media (and in person) I keep reading how atrocious 2016 has been for people, and how they can't wait for the year to be over. To be honest, it saddens and frustrates me.

There are a few reasons for this.

What makes everyone think that once 31st December is over, that their life is miraculously going to change? What we should be asking is "what am I doing NOW to change my life?"

Leading in from my first point, why wait until 1st January to make changes in your life or strive for happiness/success/better health? To me, it just seems crazy. If you're so unhappy right now, then ask yourself what you need to do to change this now, not next year.

We are in a 9 year numerologically, so yes, 2016 has been a year of endings and basically, dealing with all of our 'shit' so that we don't keep repeating it in the next 9 year cycle. The thing is, if you've continually put off dealing with all your past stuff and been too scared to confront those repetitive situations you keep finding yourself in year after year, then this year was a year where the universe has pushed you to deal with it all once and for all. If you've refused to acknowledge all of this for yourself, then clicking over to 2017 is not going to change a thing. You've been pushed and tested for a reason, and if you can't yet see what it has taught you, or how much you have grown from it (which in turn, would see you being grateful for having been through it), then you likely still have more inner work to do.

I’ve had my fair share of challenges this year myself, but I've also had some amazing things happen for me too. The difference is however, with the challenges I've been confronted with, I am fortunately in a state of mind where I can truly appreciate ALL of it. Yes, even the 'negative' stuff, because ultimately, they have taught me lessons and helped me to grow.

The constant focus on how horrible a year 2016 has been for everyone seems to be a counterproductive behaviour. If you're continually putting it out there about how hard you've had it, how negative things have been, etc etc, then aren't you then attracting the very things you DON'T want into your life? It's called the Law of Attraction, and unless you change your outlook on life and all that you've experienced (both negative and positive) throughout 2016, then you may just find that these things continue into the new year.

Some of the experiences you may have had in 2016 may have not even been to do with your own life journey; perhaps they happened for someone else's soul growth or life plan. But it's important to look at everything that has occurred throughout 2016 as either a blessing or a lesson (which in my opinion, is also a blessing).

Think about how much you've learnt about yourself this year.

How much stronger you are.

How the universe has stepped in to remove all that no longer has a place on your journey.

That you've been forced to confront your past so you can move forward and heal.

That you've been pushed by Spirit to get back on track and live a life of personal truth.

How about we all start flooding social media with all the things we have been blessed with and are grateful for throughout this past year? Then maybe, just maybe, 2017 will be filled with joy, positivity and success because that's what we're attracting into our lives. In fact, let’s get that ripple effect going, if you want it to, it can happen RIGHT NOW; not at 12.01 on 1st January?

Thank you for everything 2016.

Thank you for the lessons; even the really tough lessons that helped me grow as a person. Thank you for the joy and blessings you allowed me to experience. I am grateful for every moment.

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