This is a blog post primarily for my friends and family, or for anyone I'm connected to that doesn't really know what I do for work. But, it's also for me.

I was asked yesterday what my one word for 2017 is going to be, and I didn't even need to think twice about it.
My word is REAL.
So, the first thing I've decided to tick off my list for this year is to stop being selective with where and with whom I share my true beliefs and who I really am, for the sake of not 'ruffling any feathers'.
For some reason or another, I only talk about my working life to select people. I know that what I do for a living can be perceived as 'out there', 'weird' and at times, awkward for people to hear, but you know what? I'm so absolutely blessed to be doing what I do every day, and I've come to the realisation that it's not up to me as to how others perceive my way of life; it's up to them. I am who I am, I love what I do, and I'm damn proud of my work.
Most people who know me, know that I run my own business and that I work from home. Most even know that I am a publisher, too. But the part of my work that rarely gets talked about (mostly because I find that people get uncomfortable about how to respond) is that not only am I a writer and publisher, but I am a Lightworker.
I am a Lightworker who communicates with Spirit (passed loved ones, angels, ascended masters, even beings from other planets). I channel information and messages both for myself and for others, to provide guidance, support, clarity and direction on this journey we call life. I even sometimes see people's past lives and totem animals. The more I do this, the more I'm learning and accessing. It's super exciting and rewarding!
To me, getting random messages from Spirit is an everyday occurrence, and is not 'weird' at all. Of course, some of the people I know whom I've shared this with don't believe me, or change the subject faster than the speed of light, but that's okay. I don't need to get into an argument about what the 'truth' is, because I know what it is. The thousands of people I help every single day know it's the truth, so that's all that matters.
So, how did I get to where I am now? Some people who have known me for more than 5 years might be reading this and wondering how things changed so dramatically from where I previously was. Let me just say though, I'm still the same person. I've just found my true purpose now.
It was shortly after I miscarried back in 2012 that I began to write, and that very first piece I wrote about my life so far had me bleeding the words onto the pages. I felt liberated and free after letting my story out. After that, I felt compelled to keep writing and put together some articles as well as some books that have now been published. Through my writing I began to understand that there was a much bigger force in play with life itself than I had ever realised. And this is where my spiritual journey began.
From then on, I researched, I studied, and I read; about the universe, past lives, the Other Side, spirit guides, tarot, Angels, life. The list goes on, and for anyone else who has experienced an 'awakening', you will know exactly what I mean when I say that the information just couldn't be processed quickly enough. I couldn't get enough, and I just wanted to keep learning more. I wanted to know so much more about why I was here, what my purpose was, and what life meant. And so I did.
For several years I studied and worked in early childhood education, and absolutely loved my position as director of a small long daycare centre. The beautiful relationships that I formed over the years- with staff, families and children made my work just that much more rewarding. While I am still very passionate about early childhood education, I decided to become a 'stay at home Mum' after my youngest son, Nate was born in 2013. As most of you already know, Nate was born with two significant holes in his heart and had life-saving open heart surgery when he was ten days old, so this was the deciding factor in my decision to resign from my full time job, which I did in early 2014.
Since then, I've never looked back, and I now have two successful businesses I run from home (with one more - a charity - about to be launched). Helping people in such a profound way each and every single day through my spirit communication work, and making writers' dreams come true through my publishing business, is so magnificently rewarding. I wouldn't change it for the world. So, I ask myself now, "why wouldn't I share how blessed I am with absolutely everyone I know? What I do is not just important, but life changing for many people. I'm proud of what I do. I'm proud of who I am.
So, no more filtering.
No more worrying about whether people might feel awkward about what I do.
I am still me. But now, you know all of me.