Jump in
Sometimes in life, you've just gotta jump in.
You may be scared of rejection or failure, be filled with self doubt, or succumbing to the expectations of those around you, but who is in control here?
That's right. You.

If you feel it in your heart, in your gut, and notice that spark of truth and knowing that this is the direction you're meant to be going, trust it.
Trust it even if you feel uncertain and nervous at first.
The fear, self doubt and uncertainty will soon fade once you align yourself with your truth, and notice just how swiftly and smoothly everything falls into place for you. Your nervousness will turn into excitement, and your personal truth and purpose will become clearer than ever before, because you're living it.
I've been there, and all of it is true. How do you think I am where I am now?
Because I jumped in.