5 things to do before the end of the year (Part Four) #bettermeproject
Wow, we’re almost there! This is the second last exercise and I bet by now, you’ve got much more clarity than you’ve had in a long while (I know I do). Now it’s time to start moving forward, and these last two exercises are going to help you do just that. If you missed the first three exercises, you can find the first one here. You can start this anytime you like. Here we go with exercise number four...

Say “I’m sorry” Unlike the previous exercises, there aren’t any questions to answer this time. Instead, I want you to spend some time writing a letter. Not to anyone else, though. This letter is to you, and yes, it’s all about forgiving yourself. For real, this time. It’s not enough to just say the words, “I forgive myself” and pretend that you’ve done it. No, I want you to really put your heart and soul into it (and some tears, if needed). Be descriptive and thorough. Leave nothing unsaid in this letter. If you were ever to give your all to writing something, let it be this task. Please don’t think that you can just skip past this part, or that there’s nothing you have to write. If you didn’t have anything to forgive yourself for, you wouldn’t have begun this project, now would you? So, please take some time and space, and give this beautiful gift to yourself. It’s time to say, “I’m sorry”. It’s well overdue. The very last exercise will be shared in a fortnight’s time. As always, feel free to email me or contact me on Facebook with your own updates. Share your progress on social media using the hashtag #bettermeproject and you may just inspire others to join us! Let’s end 2017 with so much more power than you’ve ever imagined possible!
Christie xoxo