Going Within

Over this last month I have undertaken a period of going within, evaluating what was working and what wasn’t. I went within and looked at where I could create more balance and where I could re-direct energy into other areas that was lacking. I let go of what wasn’t working and stopped pushing. As a result, I created space for new opportunities to come forward.
This process was prompted when earlier this month I went through a two-week period of not feeling right – I was feeling exhausted and not my usual self. I regularly go within and reflect; however, this period of time was different as I had icky feelings. I couldn’t identify as to why I was feeling them and gave myself the time and space to sit in the muck of what I was feeling.
During this time, I gave myself a mental break and an external physical break putting on hold any extra activities I was doing. I went within to listen to my inner voice and sat with the icky feelings I had; letting it be what it was. I let go of everything and did only what was necessary to keep my world turning. These feelings passed after resting and not over doing. I evaluated and re-directed my energy and focus. I stopped pushing in some areas and re-directed energy elsewhere creating more balance. I can see in hindsight that I wasn’t balanced and was putting a lot of pressure on myself creating unnecessary stress; resulting in feeling exhausted.
This process feels like I pushed a reset button. I am feeling fresher for it and as a result I am looking at the different aspects of my life with fresh eyes. I have also given myself time to acknowledge my achievements over the past year and to celebrate those.
I encourage you to give yourself time to go within and reflect on where you are and where you are heading. Journal, create a vision board, reflect and meditate on the last six months and go within. See what thoughts come up. Ask yourself what you would like to create next? What needs to be changed? What are you doing that is no longer necessary? Where are you directing your energy? Could it be re-directed elsewhere? Are you feeling balanced or overwhelmed?
We change our thoughts, ideas and perspective through experience and personal growth along our journey. Regularly giving ourselves space and time to go within and listening to our internal wisdom provides opportunity to re-align to the new ways of thinking and doing within our lives. Give yourself time to reset, reflect and celebrate your achievements and create new opportunities with a fresh point of view. You may find through this process you have a clearer vision ahead along with feeling more energised and balanced.
Danielle Renee
Holistic Therapist – Writer
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