My Favourite Place

My favourite place is held in my minds eye, My own secret sanctuary, all to my own, A remote island, with no one in sight, Just myself in what I call my true home. I came to this place just to be, To relax and unwind in this paradise, Where my mind is light and free, No weight to bear, no expectations. My secret place, in my minds eye is the most beautiful beach, ever to be seen, Created for no one else but me! The water is tranquil and crystal blue, Sand glistens in sun and moonlight, The gentle sea breeze felt on my skin It brings me such great delight! My days are spent swimming In the sea, My nights are lying on the beach, Contemplating on who or what I should be! My beach is surrounded by rocks, I am safe, I am secure right here For my Spirit created it, For me to be free. My Spirit created this place, This place where I can just be, For here in this sacred place, I am Free to be none other than Me!
Danielle Renee
Holistic Therapist – Writer
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