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Energy Healers 

We see you.

You keep trading your time and being the conduit of energy for money and know there is more ways to earn money and get your energy known.

You're doing shows and expos and each and every time you are trading time and energy by making things that people can buy so they remember you and can get a taste of who and what you are about.

But what if there was an easier way?

What if by putting your knowledge and your personality onto paper - there would be a way for people far and wide to get a taste of you?

A book is a beautiful calling card to YOU. To the magic that you can do and a way that people can get to know, like and trust that they love what you can do.

Which leads to opportunities that you can only imagine, that your book has paved the way to.

Working with you one on one. Joining your courses, inviting you to speak. Stalking your socials and being a cheerleader.

Becoming a part of your circle.

All because of this book that you chose to sit down and write and get out into the world.

You have so much magic that you can tap into and start showing the world you are an authority on.

Take that step today, reach out and see what divineness we can create together.

White Light Publishing is not your 'ordinary' publisher.


We pride ourselves on providing a very personalised service and we understand that you’re not just publishing your work; it truly is a magical journey that you're going through. We are very grateful to be on this journey with you.


Whether this is your first book, or you are an established author; wanting to publish a children’s book, a collection of poetry, a novel, or your own deck of personalised tarot cards, we can help you to achieve it.


Our publishing packages are reasonably priced, and we offer flexible payment plans. Our standard packages are below. We will work closely with you to determine which package is most suitable to ensure that your work is published in the way that you envision it. 

Our Publishing Packages

Please note the below prices are guidlines only, each book baby is different and priced to match that. We sit down together and we agree on a price to bring your dream to life.

Book on Table

Publishing package for black & white interior books.



Publishing Package for full colour books with a maximum of 30 images

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Plant and Book

Publishing package for full colour books with a maximum of 80 images

Publish your
own Affirmation
or Oracle cards.
Max 44 cards

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Publish your own Tarot Deck. Max 78 cards

Would you love your book baby also created into an Audiobook?

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Are you ready?

Get in touch today and turn your dreams into reality!

Julia xx

Thanks for submitting!

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